Saturday, June 27, 2020

Message Board Post by Me

Topic by Me

The Spanish 100s of Years Ago From Spain Are Not Like Latinos

They seem white, and Southern Europe is European, too.

Anyone Want That Seat Over There

Funny, people don't care about classical orchestral instrumental musicians the way the musicians themselves don't care about lead violinists.

Care and Concern

People pretend to care about me but are just being mean.


People are allowed to attack me, but I can't defend myself.

Other people...

Other people don't get in trouble for thinking bad of me like the word "nigger" not being tapped into...

Classical Orchestral Instrumental Musicians Since Childhood

Don't tell a classically trained musician you love Beethoven's 9th Symphony, for example, because, I mean, don't expect a favorable reaction ... most normal places they are highly egotistical against people like me who can't play well enough/yet to be in an orchestra.


People love singling other people out, like me or people I care about in weird ways.  Not everyone gets tested.

At Risk

Californians want to be a part of the US more, but they want to attack vulnerable people like me who happen to have ancestors from Pennsylvania.  There are others, of course, with ancestors from Pennsylvania and some in or from California.

Who's "bad," anyway?...

Why do bad people get stimulated more and the world revolve around them in ways they enjoy?

Also, I'm not bad just because other people are really good, like an explanation for who it was that caused a problem maybe no one even did or maybe someone else, like an adult figure or older person.

In Disagreement

If someone disagrees and is nice to you now will be mean later.

Who says? that I'm not as good? and that people can do that to me and like I'm that kind of person?

Also, some people say they are all that to others and then you find they're just stealing attention and are like the baby and stimulated etc.

Being Good

People used to know me as good.  It just seems to slip conveniently that I don't matter as a person in general.

Message Board Post by Me

Topic by Me 

Re: What are some things you can do therapeutically?

How about play music with others in a classical orchestra rather than just at home whatever you can do?

I'm not heading for the end.

People from Generation X who had kids barged in and knocked the kids out with parents who were in their 30s and 40s at the time and said their kids can do anything and replace me because they, the kids, are from a younger generation.

I think, in classical music, kids think it's something special for them but think it is tacky to be expressive, like it's something new and they get to decide.  It probably happens late at night when people are sleeping and floats around in the day in the subconscious.

You might try comparing kids today to generations between me and them, rather than just older ones like Generation X.

90's/00s' - Still Normal...

So, the 90's/00's theme was classical orchestral musical instrumentalists, as included, still going out and having fun like a teenager but feeling special.


Musicians are healthy musically from the therapy of being in the orchestra.  They probably don't spend much of their practicing alone, like you do growing up playing a classical orchestral instrument.

Subconscious Tension From Different Countries About Germany

There is a lot of tension for people who are not German or not all/mostly German in liking Germany maybe especially.

Germans just feel mean to others that they have the most to show for.

Young Musicians Playing Classical Music in Berlin

In 2019, the European Union Youth Orchestra played Beethoven's 9th Symphony in Berlin.  They even had a video of them playing live in the streets.  Wow!  They must have worked hard.

So, what about the local musicians of Berlin or other smaller cities in Germany?

Abuse - Relative Age

People seem to baby and favor the youngest child, no matter what the other children do.